Sunday, December 20, 2009

A Letter to the Big Guy

Dear Mr. Claus,

Christmas is almost here--just four days to go. I think I'm ready for your arrival. I have shopped, baked, wrapped, and decked (the halls). The music of the season has been filling my heart with holiday joy for months. I should admit that there still aren't any decorations on my beautiful tree, but the sparkling lights remind me of the star in the north--and that's enough for me. Oh, and I didn't send out Christmas cards--just in case Mrs. Claus was wondering if she got booted off the M.Virtue Christmas card list. Please tell her that I still love her, but decided cards weren't on my priority list this year.

I suppose you're wondering why I'm writing this letter, as my wish list was submitted several weeks ago. The truth is that I have some last minute Christmas dreams that I wanted to run by you. I k now you're a very busy man and there are millions of sweet children who rely on your goodness, but if these simple requests are possible, I'd be the happiest girl in the world.

Last year at Christmas we spent our days making magic for "the boys." I miss them. If you wouldn't mind watching out for them this Christmas, I'd really appreciate it. They deserve lots of sweet memories full of sugar cookies, Prancer sightings, and dancing in the kitchen. Next Christmas I'd really like to give them all big hugs instead of dreams from afar.

This year Kenley will be experiencing his first Virtue Christmas. If you could get him here safely, it would make my heart happy. Rumor is that he has gifts for me--when the truth is that all I need is his hand in mine.

Santa, one final request. Please bring lots of joy and peace to those I care about most. Help them know that I love them--even though they didn't get Christmas cards this year. This is the season when goodness is magnified and the spirit of the Babe in Bethlehem heals, comforts, and brings peace. I want that feeling to stay in my heart forever.

Loves and hugs,



Trent and Meg said...

You are so wonderful. Merry Christmas.

annie-net said...

You touch my heart, Merry Christmas!

Jerilyn said...

Hope you have a great Virtue Christmas this year! :) Love ya!


Merry Christmas. Maybe I'll see you at Walmart or Keslers this weekend!

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