Monday, December 7, 2009

Say Cheese

Please take note of the following:
1. The mayor is wearing shorts on Thanksgiving.
2. I love the way grandpa's hat is sitting atop his head.
3. How many of those Ireland t-shirts does brother have?
4. Does it look like Ryan and Laura are married while Eric is the long lost single brother?
5. We were missing 6 very important people in this picture . . . missing them a lot.
6. Notice Laura's super cute headband made by Mary Lu--now available at the Campus Craft and Floral near you. They're selling like hotcakes--so place your holiday order today!
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Laura said...

I'm afraid brother only has ONE Ireland shirt. Scary.

Ryan said...

It's been a year since you made that comment and I just noticed it...I love that shirt...*sniffle*

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