Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Patsy's Day

Yep, it's St. Patty's Day and you know what that means. It's Aunt Patsy's birthday! I have great memories of Patsy and her pale blue VW. I blame her for my addiction to Sixlets (which she always gave us when we went to visit her at Valley Bank). She is the aunt with the great laugh who always wanted us to play with her hair. Love you, Patsy!
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1 comment:

Lois said...

I love the name Patsy. I tried to name my pet cat Patsy and my mom told me that it was a horrible name for a cat. She made me name it Greta instead. Really, Greta is more of a cat name than Patsy?

My poor daughter's name is the #1 name for dogs. Sorry! I didn't know! I didn't think to look at top pet names when picking out a name for my daughter!

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