Monday, September 13, 2010

Good Night, Monday

Well, well, well. Look what happens when a 30-something single woman gets a MacBook and can't sleep.

A few great things about my day . . .

I ate a brownie and didn't feel guilty.
I'm obsessed with Hoarders on A&E.
The weather was a perfect 80 degrees and I want it to stay this way forever.
My shoes arrived.
Early morning 60' balloon arch. My job has its moments.

Good night, Monday. See you next week.
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Jerilyn said...

Spencer and I also find ourselves glued to watching Hoarders!!! by the way....I've missed you and I think Maddie and I need to make a trip to Provo to hang out with you soon! :)

michelleyv said...

Oh, I can't wait to meet Miss Maddie. Come to P-town ASAP!!! I've been missing you.

Trent and Meg said...

You rock much!! :)

Anonymous said...

Yep, yep and yep. I love really is so fascinating and insane all at the same time.

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