Tuesday, September 14, 2010

It is was it is . . .

I despise the phrase "it is what it is." No, really, I hate it.

That is all.

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Nathan and Sarah said...

How funny. I love that phrase. I say it all the time when I dont want someone to make something out of nothing. I will remember to never say that to you!

Kimmy said...

I know why you hate it and you know why I hate it. Funny.

Lindsay Jane said...

I love it too. I use it when I mean "just suck it up" or "don't read into a situation." I can't promise I won't say it around you...but now that it's becoming such a catch phrase in our culture there's a good chance I'll stop saying it. You're welcome.

Mere and Matt said...

I'm definitely on the I HATE THE PHRASE side of the arguement. It means nothing and it is pointless to say. Either say "I'm sorry, it's wrong" or "I'll fix it to make it better." I had this phrase used on me and I cringe when I hear it. I'm glad you share my feelings about it.

IrishGal said...

I say it frequently but only to describe things out of my control about which I shouldn't strees. It's classier than "Whatever" and less cliche than "Que sera, sera."

christine said...

Totally hate it! My husband says it all the time and I want to punch him (not really-I'm a nice wife but you know how it gets to a person....)!

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