Thursday, September 2, 2010

Granted, I'm not perfect. . . BUT

Sometimes I take things for granted--like the crickets outside my window. Winter will take them away soon. I take important people in my life for granted--forgetting to tell them how much I love them and how grateful I am for everything they do for me. Sometimes I take my body for granted. Sure, it's not perfect, but it does lots of things for me. It is healthy and, without it, I couldn't run or work or play. Quite often I take my spirit for granted. It has been a hard few months--don't worry, I'm not going to have a breakdown and I don't need cookies on my doorstep. Sometimes things don't work out the way you want them to and your spirit feels tender and vulnerable. Once in a while your spirit wonders if you made a wrong decision or wasted precious time. Frequently, over the past months, my spirit has been lonely and longing for something I can't quite seem to find. I'm learning that my spirit is completely dependent on a different Spirit--the one that comforts, heals, and offers hope. That knowledge makes me smile and provides a growing bit of joy in my heart. I'm learning that my spirit is going to be just fine.
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Kimmy said...

i love you

Laura said...


michelleyv said...

Love you both. . . oodles and oodles.

eric said...

Michelle, I know that I do a lot for you and make your life a lot better. It's not in my nature to ask for your gratitude in return, but I appreciate it anyway.

melis said...

hope the next months are rejuvenating and inspiring! love you - melissa

melis said...

oh and I'm glad you're back in the blog-o-sphere, hearing from you frequently makes me happy and seem like we don't live a thousand miles apart...

michelleyv said...

Dear Miss Melis. I wish you were here right now so I could see your hair and you could make me laugh. In the meantime, I'm thinking of you and smiling. Hugs, Compartment GV #15

Trent and Meg said...

Friend--you are the best. Seriously. Hugs to you.

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