Thursday, September 2, 2010

Who's the girl behind the greenery?

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marisa said...

nice job! and i love the hair michelle!

Calli said...

blonde so works on you...Max was very excited to see his "Shell" on TV. He was very intrigued as to how you crawled into our TV.

michelleyv said...

M. Park. That means a lot coming from someone with broadcasting background and great hair. I missed you SO much today--gameday balloon blowing just isn't the same.

michelleyv said...

Max is ADORABLE!!! You and Ry need a getaway so we can have a play date again:) Tell him the same magic that lets Santa see your living room puts me in his t.v. Thanks for watching!!!

Lois said...

I had my older daughter watch you on TV. She had no idea she knew such famous people.

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