Friday, September 3, 2010


Tonight I wish Kimmy was here to share some puddin' and read me a story. Her boys are SO lucky to have such a good story book reader for a mom. Oh, I'd give just about anything to hear her grandpa voice right now. She makes a mean grandpa.

p.s. lovies. This is my favorite pudding recipe. BUT, Kimmy and I always made the vanilla or chocolate sugar free cook n' serve in the microwave. Best if Kimmy makes it with Crunchy Corn Bran (apparently now available at your local AMAZON) and a bit of sister love (not available at your local AMAZON).
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stephanie said...

Cook n' serve in the microwave!? I didn't even know that was possible. The only pudding I've ever made is the quick-version of JELLO brand. Maybe it's time to expand my pudding-horizons.

Kimmy said...

I miss the old days of the crunchy corn bran. Those were some yummy puddin days! This is your grandpa Kimmy! (spoken like a grandpas) Love you Mickey! We have a date for pudding on Oct. 20th :)

michelleyv said...

Cook n' serve in the microwave available in a sugar free variety straight from the box. Just add milk and a little lovin.

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