Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Hunger GAmes

I'm finally reading this book. After Lori told me I was "totally OUT of IT," I felt like a literary loser. So, Tasha lent me her copy (because I believe in book sharing) and I've really been enjoying it. Only problem is that I don't have enough reading time in my schedule. In fact, I now take my lunch break at the local Crest Store where I purchase a Diet Dr. P and sit in their patio area to read. Today it started to rain and in my haste to run to dry ground, I left my book on the table. Don't worry, Tasha, it was recovered promptly without any water damage.

What does it say about me that I'm currently using a Nordstrom receipt as a bookmark?
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annie-net said...

Fun books!

IrishGal said...

My bookmark is the receipt from the Denver Public Library informing me that the book was due back two weeks' ago.

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