Sunday, September 19, 2010


Let us not forget that I followed through and ran the Hobble Creek Half. I'm not including a link because I don't want anyone to see how long it too me to finish the seemingly endless 13 miles.

Trust me--it takes a lot out of girl (as pictured below).
But I hear she still has a little spunk left.
Maybe I'll focus on weight training in 2011. . .
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stephanie said...

You are amazing!
I'm running my first 5K this Saturday. I think I'll stop there, 3.1 miles is all I need.

kaitlin said...

good job!!
that's great.
i want to do that one day in my life.

Anonymous said...

Go guurl!! It was fun to see you in action last night. Hope we didn't throw off your groove. :)

michelleyv said...

Hope I didn't scare you, Nicole (and Audrey)! You two are SO cute.

Oh, and Kaitlin Farmer--you remember how I always tell you that you can wear whatever you want. Well, you can run anything you want, too!

Trent and Meg said...

Oh you are such a proud of you for another 1/2 marathon under your belt (or in your shoe? ;0) Thank you for inspiring me.

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