Monday, September 6, 2010

Sweeping the Lawn

I've been in Blackfoot. It's no secret that I love being home with my family--and this is one of the reasons why. My dad uses a lawn sweeper. Never seen one of these babies? Well, they're used by a very select few who consider their lawn to be a reflection of their character. Windy day--no problem, the sweeper picks up any unsightly pieces of debris in minutes. If you'd like one for yourself, try HERE. . . but those yellow catchers are only awarded to life-long sweepers . . so you're going to have to earn that.

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1 comment:

Kimmy said...

I love him and his lawn sweeper. P.S. I bought a steam mop because of this man. Any cleaning tool makes me happy now and I owe it all to my upbringing. Thanks Dad, and thanks Mickey for posting this!

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