Friday, January 13, 2006

What about Bob? Weiner?

Bob Weiner is one of my sales reps. I wish I had a picture of him to post because his appearance perfectly matches his name and personality. Instead, I'll give a brief description that will certainly pale in comparison to the real-life BOB. Bob must be in his early sixties. He has a full head of salt and pepper hair and stands around 5'9." Bob is broad and Jewish. His wife is lds. In fact, Bob often attends church with Wendy and speaks at the occassional fireside. Bob is from Baltimore and still has a bit of an accent which adds to his overall charisma. Meeting with sales reps isn't my favorite thing to do, but I LOVE it when Bob calls me up with his usual--"hey beautiful, how are ya?" How can you refuse an appointment with that type of greeting? Bob always saunters in a few minutes late and usually comments on the BYU parking mess. I laugh--knowing he really doesn't mind or he wouldn't even visit our shop. Bob sells scrapbooking merchandise. This line of business does not match Bob's character. In fact, it would be like me selling tires. Inevitably, Bob has a joke to share--always cleaning it up (somewhat) for my innocent BYU ears. I love that he always asks me about Lori--whom he affectionately calls "The Baby Maker". Bob and I often have religious conversations, discuss politics, share notes about our favorite TV shows (he loves Dancing with the Stars), and the finer points of raising children (of which I know next to nothing). It seems like Bob always leaves me thinking. He asks things like-- "Why aren't pregnant women wearing maternity clothes?" "How do they make toothpicks?" "Why aren't you married?" "Why did Meg Ryan get Botox?" My question for Bob (which I'm too chicken to ask)--Have you ever thought of changing your name?

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