Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Goodness Prevails

The verdict is in! Last night, Sarah, the kindergarten teacher from Nashville, defeated Moana the Terrible in a nail-biting season finale of The Bachelor in Paris. We had a French themed bachelor party at our place. It was a great time. . .made even better by the tearful removal of the drama diva. Sarah's victory is a media confirmation to every sweet single girl in the country. We shall prevail! Moana represents the hot needy drama queens of the world. Every comment out of her mouth last night was completely rehearsed and ridiculous. . ."Oh, Travis, you can see into my soul." PUKE! I mean really. What man honestly wants to be with someone who can unleash a fake tear at the drop of the hat? Shouldn't we all be searching for someone with emotional stability, realistic goals, and genuine likeability. . .like Sarah? She was fun, level-headed (as much as anyone could be under those circumstances), beautiful, and genuine. How could anyone not love her? I should explain that I no longer hold any hard feeling toward Moana. I'm trying to get back into a Zen state of mind and all hatred must be released. . .so now I just feel sorry for her. A special thanks to everyone who attended our french themed party and endured the Virtue's attempts at Vichyssois. The party is over. . .I guess Kimmy and I are headed back to FHE next week. Our group will be ecstatic. Bonjour!


Anonymous said...

I thought I was supposed to marry a hot needy drama queen of the world? NOW you tell me?

Veronica said...

Oh man, you should have witnessed the rejoicing at my house last night. I guess Travis isn't as dumb as we thought.

Anonymous said...

Jees know one inn thiz familee kin spel butt mee...(circustances?)

Anonymous said...

Eric...I'm not sure what that means...I'm hot and possibly a bit of a drama queen but needy...NO. MOANA SUCKS!

Anonymous said...

There's a reason i'm posting this anonymously...anyway...that Moana makes me want to puke up last night's meatloaf

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