Saturday, August 12, 2006

Faith Precedes the Miracle

Today was a big day for me--a day I'll always remember. It's a day that has my emotions on edge and my body pushed to its limits. After almost 6 months of training, I finished my first 1/2 marathon with a final time of 2:21:42. Not too bad for a beginner, huh? So--check another 2006 New Year's Resolution off the list. . .now if I could just get through that lengthy Old T.

I cannot adequately express this incredible sense of accomplishment that has come over me. Today I proved that I can do anything I put my mind and body to. If you'd asked me a year ago if I'd ever run more than a 5K, I would have laughed out loud. Well, this morning after many early morning runs in the cold and rain trying to avoid worm squishing, 2 pairs of running shoes, a serious skunk siting, some humble time on my knees, and 13 miles down Provo Canyon, I proved that with a lot of faith and hard work--anything is possible.

The past month or so, the 13 miles have become trivial to me and I've tried to minimize the experience. I don't know if it's because I spend time with serious runners who don't even bat an eye at a 13 mile run on a Saturday morning or if it has something to do with my subconsious trying to avoid disapointment. Regardless--this morning as I plodded my way down the canyon with hundreds of runners who spent countless hours in training, I realized that I was a part of something truly incredible--a test of the human spirit. I've watched the boys finish races--even marathons--and each time I've been inspired--inspired enough to want to do it myself. Today I gained new respect for them and their will to compete. . . mostly with themselves. Congratulations to each of them on their runs today--they did awesome. Let me just put it this way. By the time I reached the finish line they had already had time for a shower, pancakes, and some shopping!

I'm a better person for having trained for this race. It has taught me to be more disciplined. I've learned to push myself--mentally and physically. I'm in possibly the best condition of my life. Most importantly, it has made me more grateful for all I've been blessed with. I'm grateful for today. I'm grateful for family and friends who have supported and inspired my "insanity." I'm grateful for people with guts, tenacity, and endurance. I'm grateful to still be able to walk. . .though cautiously. I'm grateful to have a body that allows me to do all the things I want to do (except for reach the top shelves in my kitchen). I'm especially grateful for the guiding hand of a kind Father.

I'm this happy about it!

For those inquiring minds that want to know what #47 looks like after running 13 miles. . .well, here I am in all my glory.
Check out the abs on the lady in front of me. Good grief! I hate her! And what's that girl doing standing in my photo opp? GET OUT OF MY WAY!
This is Miss Margaret Frampton. I'm her visiting teacher. We ran together today and I've never been more grateful for VT! She was a great partner and a speedy little spaniard (she's from Spanish Fork).
Eric strikes a pose. I'm still a little suspicious of this character. He didn't even look like he broke a sweat. Huh--I wonder how he really made it down the canyon. Actually, Eric and Laura were so great to agree to this little venture. I'm pretty sure they did it for me. Thanks!
Laura sportin' her hot stuff. 1427--you blow my mind.
The Jenkins, Kimmy, and the Loveless Brothers were at the finish line cheering. What a welcome site that little posse was! A special thanks to the Jenkins for getting up early to await my arrival. You made my day.
Me and the girls. . .they must really love me to give hugs when I'm this sweaty.
Hope everyone heals quickly. See you next year?
If you check out the race results, please note that I'm listed in the male category. I guess they didn't want all of the women to feel bad.


Anonymous said...

I'm so dang proud to be called the friend of a half-marathoner!! Congrats on such a huge accomplishment! Miss you -- Faggy

Anonymous said...

I'm so dang proud to be called the friend of a half-marathoner!! Congrats on such a huge accomplishment! Miss you -- Faggy

Anonymous said...

You are my hero and inspiration! May I aspire to half of what you accomplish! (and about the lady with the abs, hey you almost beat her. Abs totally ove !!) Also,
contrats to the demon duo on a jog in the park!

Anonymous said...

It cut off my Abs totally "OVE ". Also it is congrats not contrats. Good thing I didn't run I would have gone to the wrong canyon.

Anonymous said...

Since it won't print the word, I will rephrase it. Abs are not as important as some people think they are. This comes from the cub bear momma who no longer knows what a six pack is only a keg!

Anonymous said...

Michlle - I cried when I read the blog this morning. I'm a dud. I wanted to be there SOOOOOOO bad. I wanted to be at the finish line to see you accomplish this goal. I know what it means to you. YOU DID GREAT and I love you for your GUTS AND DETERMINATION. You definately have it!!! My hat is off to you and your goal is made NOW stop this stupidity (just kidding).

Anonymous said...

I seriously could not wait to see you on that last little stretch. I was getting so emotional just thinking about it. You are one of the best sisters a girl could have. I have always looked up to you and continue to do so every day of my life. Love you! Keep moving!

Anonymous said...


I'm pretty sure you messed up on your last comment...I think you ment "You are one of the best BROTHERS a girl could have" Just thought you and everyone should know about the mistake...A touching tribute to're a sweet girl...

Mrs. James Quigley said...

You are awesome, you do so much for others I am so proud of doing this for yourself. You inspire me, I'll follow your example and get out of bed early and get my body moving again, I have been lazy too long. You are simply the best.

Mrs. James Quigley said...

You are awesome, you do so much for others I am so proud of doing this for yourself. You inspire me, I'll follow your example and get out of bed early and get my body moving again, I have been lazy too long. You are simply the best.

Mrs. James Quigley said...

yikes why did it print two of them? oh and P.S. you look dang good!

Calli said...

When I saw you come walking across that bridge (I would have been at the finish line except that I was on babysitting duty), I almost started crying myself because I know how hard you have worked for this. It was touching. And no matter what the boys may think, 13 miles is a long, long way to 99% of the human population. Way to go! And congrats to Laura & Eric who gave a stallar performance as well. I did see them come across the finish and I must say they both looked relieved that it was over!

Anonymous said...

Sorry Benny. Wan't for you. Better luck next time. You try running 13. Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Michelle! That is a really great finishing time, you know...that tranlates to a 4:45 marathon. St. George is the happenin' place the first Saturday in October. Think about it next year!
I should warn you, this becomes addictive. I even got Adam to run 2 marathons with me...Veronica hasn't heard the call yet.
I am really excited that you got to experience the feeling of accomplishment, and the really wonderful support of family and friends on reaching such a tremendous goal! And Laura too! Yay for finish lines, they are my favorite place to be!

PS to the mayor: thank you for the water in the lake. It's nice to run around. I have trained for 6 marathons so far around that greenbelt loop! No West Nile yet!

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